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      Silpakorn International Conference on Sound and Music (SICSAM) has been accepting papers that are related to any field of study on sound and music alongside proposals of performances or original compositions since its foundation in 2020. In the last 4 years, SICSAM has published more than 80 articles in the conference proceedings and welcomed presenters and keynote speakers from the United States of America, the United Kingdom, China, Macao, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand presenting their research on Classical Music Performance, Jazz Music Performance, Composition and Music Technology, Music and Entertainment Business, Music Education, Musicology, and Ethnomusicology.

Presenters of oral presentations or performances are required to submit 300-word abstracts for the preliminary selection and full papers (if needed) for a double-blindly peer review process by a selection of reviewers from Silpakorn University Faculty of Music and our partner institutions such as Cardiff University; The University of Wisconsin – Green Bay; Lasalle College of the Arts; Sultan Idris Education University; Howon University; Ho Chi Minh City Conservatory of Music; Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University; College of Music, Mahidol University; Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music; Rangsit University Conservatory of Music; Institute of Music and Sound Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (IMSE KMITL); and Faculty of Music, Bangkok Thonburi University.

For this 5th edition of the conference in 2024, SICSAM is affiliated with the Royal Musical Association (UK) and planning to invite the RMA Southeast Asia Chapter to specially celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Chapter in Southeast Asia.